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Modern Slavery Policy

This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act of 2015 (MSA), pursuant to Section 54(1), Part 6. It sets out Arlo & Jacob’s intended steps to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

It’s imperative to us at Arlo & Jacob that we take a zero-tolerance policy on slavery and human trafficking. We’re careful to ensure our business and any companies we work with are absolutely free of these violations to fundamental human rights. Read on to find out more about the steps we’re taking to deliver on our promise.

Our Organisation & Supply Chains

We’re a retail business based in the United Kingdom’s East Midlands with showrooms across the country. We sell furniture online and in-store, keeping as much of our activities as possible in-house for maximum control over conditions and conduct. We’re committed to supporting local economies and the British tradition of craft, keeping our production local as well as sourcing the vast majority of our materials close to home and ensuring their provenance is in line with our values as a brand. In the cases where we do rely on external contractors and suppliers, we depend on their safeguarding processes to ensure that incidences of modern slavery, or any human rights abuses for that matter, do not take place within our supply chain. Our Board and the entirety of our senior management team are committed to the cause, with the full support of our entire cast of employees.

Policies & Contractual Controls

As part of our commitment to combat modern slavery in all its forms, we’ve produced this Modern Slavery Statement that decisively prohibits the use of forced labour, child labour, and human trafficking within our business and supply chain.

This statement outlines our zero-tolerance stance on such abuses of human rights and will reserve our right to terminate relationships with any supplier in the event that their conduct goes against our own modern slavery policies.

Assessment of Modern Slavery Risk Within our Supply Chain

We’ve deduced that the greatest risk in regards to modern slavery lies within our supply chain. Therefore, we are focused on thoroughly completing our due diligence on the companies that are part of that supply chain, and ensuring all practices are entirely above board. This is an ongoing process that we are undertaking in respect to the businesses we work with and any new contractors or suppliers we enter into agreements with going forward.

Modern Slavery Training

It’s imperative to us that our staff understand the importance of taking a strict view on slavery and human trafficking. It’s key to us that every member of our teams grasps their role, as well as that of our business as a whole, in being part of the solution. Therefore, we are committed to an ongoing practice of familiarising all employees and suppliers with this Modern Slavery Statement.

Further Steps to Prevent Modern Slavery in Our Supply Chains

We keep a constant on eye on how we can maximise our efforts to prevent modern slavery in our supply chains. We’re taking the following steps to that effect:

  • Only entering into and carrying on commercial relationships with companies that share our values regarding human rights as well as our exacting standards on protecting them
  • Requiring any new major supplier tendering for work with us to provide a detailed account of its policies on slavery and human trafficking as well as assurances that it (nor any company in its supply chain) does not engage in any breaches of human rights
  • Refusing to enter into commercial relationships with any entities consciously taking part in slavery or human trafficking
  • Continuing to undertake investigations into our supply chain to identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery, with an aim of constantly improving our practices in this regard
  • Engendering a culture of whistle-blowing within our own supply chain
  • Introducing slavery training for all relevant staff
  • Assessment of Effectiveness in Preventing Modern Slavery

As a commitment to our workforce, our customers, and the greater societal good, we will be reviewing and evaluating the efficacy of these measures, taking the following into consideration:

Staff training

Suppliers' compliance with our policies
Quality of communication between us and our major suppliers
Evidence of steps taken by us to address the risks identified during all due diligence processes

Board Approval

This statement is approved by Arlo & Jacob's Board of Directors, which will be continually reviewing and updating it where relevant.